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Banner Exchange Script

Price:  $45.00  PHP 7 Ready

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Owning your own banner exchange is an excellent revenue generating traffic tool that you can use to promote your own website network. Plus you make 100% of advertising space and earn money from selling banner credits to your members. Your members show banners on their sites and in return their own banner is displayed across the banner exchange sites for free. You can easily setup the view:show ratio of this banner exchange script. For example if you choose a 2:1 ratio, it means that every member must view 2 banner in order to show it's own banner once. You can sell the remaining credits to your members or use it for your own banners.
The PHP banner exchange script is very easy to install. You can also use it for an adult banner exchange.

Script Features

- New in version 2.0: The admin can easily switch between six site style colors (blue, ice, lime, orange, purple and red).
- Referral system
- Easy to setup the banner ratio, bonus credits and referral signup credits
- Admin panel to manage members, referrals and banners.
- Ability to approve banners.
- Automatic email to the admin, when a banner is waiting for approval.
- Easy newsletter system.
- Additional site banners management to sell the ad space on your web site.
- Contact form including captcha security image to prevent spam.
- Ability to choose the email subjects for the contact form.
- PayPal integrated.
- Banner statistic on the main site.
- Member area to add banners, view referrals and get the html code.
- 24 hour real-time statistics.
- Easy site navigation.
- Same login page for the admin and members.
- Detailed installation and setup instructions.
- And many more...

  • 1 year free script support and updates
  • Lifetime script license
  • Free copyright link removal

Version: 2.4
Versions Date: 06 June, 2022
Language: PHP

Server Requirements

- PHP 4.4 or higher (Including PHP 7.x)
- MySQL Database 4 or higher


Banner Exchange Demo

Admin login (Name:admin, Password:admin)
Member login (Name:demo, Password:demo)
Please note the member and admin login are both on the main page.
If you want, you can signup as a member and test the script.

Price: $45.00

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