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PHP Scripts, Web Development and Software
e-soft24 is a trustful web development company, online since 2008. We offer a fine selection of great and quality PHP & Perl Scripts, Web Services and Software. You will get fast access to your product after purchase. All of our PHP Scripts are already PHP 7 ready for a hassle-free present and future of your websites.
featured scripts
Mobile Website Creator
Mobile Website Creator is a php software program that will help you to quickly and easily create mobile websites by using the included templates or you can create any number of templates to build your pages from. These sites will be completely mobile device ready. The total number of mobile devices in the world will soon exceed the number of ...
Backup My Webspace
With the Backup My Webspace PHP Script you can backup your entire or only parts of your webspace. You will have the option to setup unlimited backup profiles and can run it automatically through a cron job. So setup your backups once and forget it. Furthermore you can choose from 4 backup methods (zip, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2) and can let the ...
Ad Management Script
Manage all your banner, text and 3rd party ad codes from one place. Copy and paste one ad code only one time in your page(s) and manage it later easily for all your sites and domains from the Ad Management Script controll panel. Easily activate/deactivate, edit, delete or add new ad codes to your ad rotator from one place, without editing ...
Favicon Generator Script
With this quality Favicon Generator Script, you can offer your visitors a very usefull tool to generate favicons on your website. A favicon is that stylish little icon that is displayed in your browser next to the website address. The Favicon Generator Software converts every uploaded GIF, JPG and PNG image (of any size) to a 16x16 size ...
Web Traffic Stats Script
Start your own traffic stats service website with ease. This Professional PHP Web Traffic Stats Script is very easy to install and use. With the Web Traffic Statistics Service Software you are free to track only your own (unlimted) websites and/or run this php script as a high profit web traffic statistics tracking service. Set your own ...
Auto Tweet Script
The Auto Tweet Script is a small php script you can use to automatically send your messages to Twitter every day, while you're away from your computer. Simply install the script on your hosting, then login and setup your messages and your Twitter account is now sending your followers valuable content on autopilot 24/7! You can create an ...
Social Bookmark Script
Start your own popular social bookmarking website with ease. This full featured php Social Bookmark Script is very easy to install and use. Social Bookmark sites like delicious.com or mister-wong.com are very popular, they receive a lot of traffic and have a lot of content, which is high ranked at the popular search engines. Users are able to ...
Short URL Script
Run your own short URL service, including QR Code creation, with ease. All you need for it, is this easy to setup PHP Short URL Service Script. In times where people send millions of sms, emails or Twitter messages daily, a short URL service is very popular. As a very advantage feature, the script automatically generates a QR Code image for ...
PTC Script
Start your own Paid to Click business with ease. All you need for it is our full featured php Paid to Click script, a domain name and PTC allowed hosting. Sites like Bux.to, AngelBux and many more generate a lot of cash almost every day. But our script is not only a Bux.to clone, it is the only script at the market which supports paid ...
Video Embed Script
With this full featured php video embed script you can add videos from any website to your own video website. You do not need to host the videos, which is extremely expensive, due to high space and bandwidth usage of videos. All you need is the video embed code and a thumbnail url, which you can easily get from the site of the video you want to ...